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Privacy Statement

At Frolic Expressions, we are dedicated to safeguarding the privacy and confidentiality of our clients, including those engaging with Frolic Expressions Therapy House and Frolic Expressions Speech Therapy. This privacy statement elucidates how we manage personal data both within our organization and with external parties.

1. Collection of Personal Data:

- We collect personal data from clients, staff, and external guests exclusively for the purpose of conducting therapy services and managing our operations.
- Personal data may encompass information such as names, contact details, therapy history, and other pertinent details essential for service provision.

2. Use of Personal Data:

- Personal data is utilized to fulfill contractual obligations, provide therapy services, and communicate with clients, staff, and external guests.
- With explicit consent, personal data may also be used for informational or promotional purposes, such as newsletters and updates.

3. Protection of Personal Data:

- We employ suitable technical and organizational measures to protect personal data against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.
- Access to personal data is limited to authorized personnel with a business need to access such information.

4. Disclosure of Personal Data:

- Personal data is not disclosed to third parties unless mandated by law or with explicit consent from the individual.
- When personal data is shared with third parties, we ensure that adequate data protection measures are in place.

5. Retention of Personal Data:

- We retain personal data only for the duration necessary to fulfill the intended purposes, unless legal requirements dictate otherwise.
- Upon the conclusion of the retention period, personal data is securely disposed of or anonymized to prevent identification.

6. Rights of Individuals:

- Individuals have the right to access, correct, or delete their personal data held by Frolic Expressions.
- Additionally, individuals may request limitations on processing or object to the processing of their personal data under specific circumstances.

7. Contact Information:

- For inquiries concerning data privacy or to exercise rights under this privacy statement, individuals may contact Frolic Expressions at

Frolic Expressions reserves the right to update or modify this privacy statement to align with changes in data processing practices or legal requirements. Any revisions will be communicated to affected individuals promptly.

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